Parent ELA Night

Thu, 04/23/2015 - 11:02pm

Dear CLES Families,

On April 16th, we had a Parent Information Session on ELA, specifically focused on the topic of writing.  During this session, we shared an overview of the writing standards as well as many resources to support you as you work with your students at home and over the summer.   For those families who were unable to attend, we have provided the PowerPoints and resources here in order to provide you with these same resources.   As always, thank you for being an active participant and collaborator in the education of your children.  


Amanda Wadsworth

Principal, CLES

PDF icon Spring into Writing Overview Resources.pdf

File Spring into Writing-1.pptx

File Helping your Child with Writing.pptx - K/1

File Writing Activities.docx - K/1

PDF icon 2nd-3rd Spring into Writing.pdf

PDF icon 2-3ReadandWriteontheRoad.pdf

PDF icon 4-5 Making Writing FUN!!!.pdf